The MAX261BENG+ is a microprocessor programmable universal active filter in 24 pin DIP package. It allows microprocessor control of precise filter functions, No external components are required for a variety of bandpass, lowpass, highpass, notch and allpass configurations. Each device contains two second order filter sections that place centre frequency, Q and filter operating mode under programmed control. An input clock, along with a 6bit f0 program input, determines the filter's centre or corner frequency without affecting other filter parameters and filter Q is also programmed independently. Separate clock inputs for each filter section operate with a crystal, RC network or external clock generator. It is used in μP-tuned filters, anti-aliasing filters, digital signal processing, adaptive filters, signal analysis and phase-locked loops.
- Supply voltage range is 2.37V to 6.3V
- Operating temperature range from -40°C to 85°C
- Handles centre frequencies to 57KHz
- 2% of accuracy, power supply current is 20mA (max)
- Filter design software available, crosstalk is -70dB
- Microprocessor interface
- 64 step centre frequency control
- 128 step Q control, gain bandwidth product is 2.5MHz
- Independent Q and f0 programming, slew rate of 6V/μs