The MAX191BCWG+ is a low power, 12bit sampling analogue to digital converter (ADC) with internal reference and power-down in 24 pin WSOIC package. It uses an successive approximation and input track/hold (T/H) circuitry to convert an analogue input signal to a 12bit digital output. Flexible control logic provides easy interface to microprocessors (μPs) so most applications require only the addition of passive components. No external hold capacitor is required for the T/H. It operates from a single supply or from dual supplies allowing ground-referenced bipolar input signals. The device features a logic power-down input which reduces 3mA VDD supply current to 50μA (max) including the internal-reference current. It provides 3 interface modes, two 8bit parallel modes and a serial interface mode that is compatible with SPI, QSPI and MICROWIRE serial interface standards. It is used in PC pen digitizers, electromechanical systems, automatic testing systems and telecommunications.
Supply voltage range is 4.75V to 5.25V
Operating temperature range from 0°C to 70°C
Minimum conversion time of 7.5μs & maximum acquisition time is 2μs
Operates with either an external reference or an internal reference
Internal reference features an adjustment input for trimming system gain errors
Tested sampling rate of 100Ksps
Low power of 3mA operating mode and 20μA power-down mode
Integral nonlinearity is ±1LSB and differential nonlinearity is ±1LSB
SINAD of 70dB & THD of -80dB at 1KHz input signal, TA = +25°C