The MAX1822ESA+ is a high side power supply in 8 pin NSOIC package. This device has regulated charge pump which generates regulated output voltage of 11V greater than input supply voltage to power high side switching and control circuits. The MAX1822 allows low resistance N channel MOSFETs (FETs) to be used in circuits that normally require costly, less efficient P-channel FETs and PNP transistors. The high side output also eliminates the need for logic FETs in +5V and other low voltage switching circuits. A 3.5V to 16.5V input supply range and typical quiescent current of only 150μA make the MAX1822 ideal for wide range of line and battery powered switching and control applications where efficiency is crucial. It is typically used in high side power control with N channel FETs, low dropout voltage regulators, power switching from low supply voltages, H-switches, stepper motor drivers & battery load management.
- Requires three inexpensive external capacitors
- Operating temperature range from -40°C to 85°C
- Output voltage regulated to VCC + 11V
- Logic level power ready output (PR) to indicate when high side voltage reaches proper level
- High side voltage range from 11.5V to 16.5V (IOUT = 0, VCC = 3.5V, C1 = C2 = 0.047μF, C3 = 1μF)
- Switching frequency of 90KHz
- Pin for pin replacement to MAX622 device
电源管理, 便携式器材