The MAX17602ASA+ is a 4A sink/source current, 12ns, dual MOSFET driver in 8 pin NSOIC package. This high-speed MOSFET driver is capable of sinking /sourcing 4A peak current and the inverting/noninverting configuration of device provide greater flexibility in controlling the MOSFET. It also has an internal logic circuitry that prevents shoot-through during output-state changes. The logic inputs are protected against voltage spikes up to +14V regardless of VDD voltage. Propagation delay time is minimized and matched between the dual channels. The device has very fast switching time combined with short propagation delay makes it ideal for high frequency circuits. This device is used in power MOSFET switching, switch-mode power supplies and DC-DC converters.
Supply voltage range is 4V to 14V
Operating temperature range from -40°C to 125°C
Low propagation delay of 12ns
Typical out_rise time is 6ns and typical out_fall time is 6ns with 1nF load at VDD = 14V
Typical turn-on delay, turn-off delay time is 12ns at VDD = 14V
Parallel operation of dual outputs for larger driver output current
TTL or HNM logic-level inputs with hysteresis for noise immunity