The MAX147BEAP+ is a +2.7V, low power, 8-channel, serial 12bit analogue to digital converter (ADC) in 20 pin SSOP package. This 12bit data acquisition system combine an 8-channel multiplexer, high bandwidth track/hold and serial interface with high conversion speed and low power consumption. The analogue inputs are software configurable for unipolar/bipolar and single ended/differential operation. This device use either the internal clock or an external serial interface clock to perform successive approximation analogue to digital conversion and have a reference buffer amplifier with a ±1.5% voltage adjustment range. It provides a hard wired SHDN (complimentary) pin, a software selectable power-down feature which can be programmed to automatically shut down at the end of a conversion. Accessing the serial interface automatically powers up the device and the quick turn-on time allows it to be shut down between all conversions.
Supply voltage range is 2.7V to 5.25V
Operating temperature range from -40°C to 85°C
Requires an external reference
Low power consumption of 1.2mA at 133Ksps and 54μA at 1Ksps, 3V supply
Low power consumption of 1μA at power down mode
SPI/QSPI/MICROWIRE/TMS320 compatible 4 wire serial interface
Maximum relative accuracy (INL) is ±1LSB and maximum differential nonlinearity (DNL) is ±1LSB
Gain temperature coefficient is ±0.25ppm/°C
Accessing serial interface for on/off can cut supply current under 60μA at reduced sampling rates