The MAX1232CPA+ is a Microprocessor Monitor for intelligent instruments. The MAX1232 microprocessor (μP) supervisory circuit provides μP housekeeping and power-supply supervision functions while consuming only 1/10th the power of the DS1232. The MAX1232 enhances circuit reliability in μP systems by monitoring the power supply, monitoring the software execution and providing a debounced manual reset input. The MAX1232 is a plug-in upgrade of the Dallas DS1232. A reset pulse of at least 250ms duration is supplied on power-up, power-down and low-voltage brownout conditions (5 or 10% supply tolerances can be selected digitally). Also featured is a debounced manual reset input that forces the reset outputs to their active states for a minimum of 250ms. A digitally programmable watchdog timer monitors software execution and can be programmed for timeout settings of 150ms, 600ms or 1.2s. The MAX1232 requires no external components.
No external components
Debounced manual reset input for external override