The ICL7667CBA+ is a dual inverting power MOSFET driver in 8 pin NSOIC package. This monolithic MOSFET driver is designed to translate TTL inputs to high voltage/high current outputs. Its low delay and transition times makes it ideal to drive power MOSFETs for switching power supplies, motor controllers and DC to DC converters. The delay times are nearly independent of VDD. The high current output inverters can rapidly charge and discharge gate capacitance of even largest power MOSFET. The CMOS output stage of ICL7667 drives within millivolts of supply rail and very little current is required to interface to the ICL7667. The high speed of this device minimizes power losses in switching power supplies and DC to DC converter due to rapid changing/discharging of gate capacitance of power MOSFET. The ICL7667 inputs are TTL compatible which enables direct interface to common switched mode power supply controllers.
Supply voltage range from 4.5V to 17V
Operating temperature range from 0°C to 70°C
Fast rise and fall time of 20ns with 1000pF load
Low power consumption of 6mV with inputs low and 120mW with inputs high
Pin equivalent to DS0026/DS0056, TSC426, SG1626/SG2626/SG3626 devices
Output resistance of 4ohm at Iout = 10mA, TA = 25°C
Delay time (tD2) of 25ns and delay time (tD1) of 20ns at Cload = 1nF, TA = 25°C