The ICL7107CQH+D is a monolithic 31/2 digit analogue to digital converter (ADC) in 44 pin PLCC package. It has very high input impedance and requires no external display drive circuitry. Onboard active components include polarity and digit drivers, segment decoders, voltage reference and clock circuit. The ICL7107 will directly drive common anode light emitting diode (LED) display. Versatility and accuracy are inherent features of this converter. The dual slope conversion technique automatically rejects interference signals common in industrial environments. The true differential input and reference are particularly useful when making ratiometric measurements (ohms or bridge transducers). The device has zero integrator phase to eliminate overrange hangover and hysteresis effects. The ICL7107 offers high accuracy by lowering rollover error to less than one count and zero reading drift to less than 1μV/°C. It is used in a wide range of digital panel meter applications.
Monolithic CMOS design
Operating temperature range from 0°C to 70°C
First reading recovery from overrange
Onboard display drive capability, no external circuitry required
High impedance CMOS differential inputs
Low noise (< 15μVP-P) without hysteresis or overrange hangover
Common mode rejection ratio (CMRR) of 50μV/V and segment sinking current of 16mA
0.8mA V+ supply current, 0.6mA V- supply current and 8mA segment sinking current
True polarity indication for precision null applications