The DS5000-32-16+ is a soft microcontroller module in 40 pin EDIP package. It is a fully 8051 compatible 8bit CMOS microcontroller that offers softness in all aspects of its application. This is accomplished through comprehensive use of non-volatile technology to preserve all information in the absence of system VCC. The internal program/data memory space is implemented using 32Kbytes of non-volatile CMOS SRAM. Furthermore, internal data registers and key configuration registers are also non-volatile. The clock keeps time to hundredth of second using an onboard crystal. It has crash proof operation which maintains all non-volatile memory and resources for over 10 years at room temperature in the absence of power. The DS5000 has on-chip full duplex serial I/O ports, two on-chip timer/event counters and 32 parallel I/O lines. The device is compatible with industry standard 8051 instruction set and pin-out.
Supply voltage range from 4.75V to 5.25V
Operating temperature range from 0°C to 70°C
Supports UART interface and watchdog timer
Adapts to task at hand
16MHZ crystal speed and 32KB RAM
Capable of modifying its own program and/or data memory in end use
High reliability operation
Power fail reset and early warning power fail interrupt
Initial downloading of software in end system via on-chip serial port
Software security, executes encrypted software to prevent unauthorized disclosure