The DS1090U-2+ is a low-frequency, spread-spectrum EconOscillator in 8 pin μMAX package. It is a low cost, dithered oscillator intended to be used as an external clock for switched-mode power supplies and other low-frequency applications. The dithering or sweeping function reduces peak-radiated emissions from the power supply at its fundamental frequency as well as harmonic frequencies. The device consists of four basic circuit blocks such as resistor-programmed master oscillator, factory-programmed clock prescaler, a pin-programmed dither circuit and the voltage-bias circuit that provides the feedback path to the master oscillator for frequency control and dithering functions. The DS1090 to be used in applications where a spread-spectrum clock is desired to reduce radiated emissions. A combination of factory-set prescalers and external resistor allows for output frequencies ranging from 2MHz to 4MHz. Both dither frequency and dither percentage are set using control pins.
Supply voltage range is 3V to 5.5V
Operating temperature range from -40°C to 85°C
Simple user programming
Dither percentage programmable from 0% to 8%
Dither rate programmable (fMOSC/512, 1024, 2048 or 4096)
CMOS/TTL compatible output
Prescaler divides the frequency of master oscillator by 2