The LTC6994CDCB-2#TRMPBF is a programmable Delay Block/Debouncer with a range of 1μs to 33.6 seconds. The LTC6994 is part of the TimerBlox? family of versatile silicon timing devices. A single resistor, RSET, programs an internal master oscillator frequency, setting the LTC6994's time base. The input-to-output delay is determined by this master oscillator and an internal clock divider, NDIV, programmable to eight settings from 1 to 221. The output (OUT) follows the input (IN) after delaying the rising and/or falling transitions. The LTC6994-2 will delay both transitions and adds the option to invert the output.
- Delay one or both rising/falling edges
- 20mA CMOS output driver sources/sinks
- 500μs Start-up time
- 70μA Supply current at 10μs delay
- Configured with 1 to 3 resistors
- 1μs to 33.6 seconds Delay range
时钟与计时, 便携式器材