The LTC6993CS6-1#TRMPBF is a Monostable Pulse Generator (one shot) with a programmable pulse width of 1μs to 33.6 seconds. The LTC6993 is part of the TimerBlox? family of versatile silicon timing devices. A single resistor, RSET, programs an internal master oscillator frequency, setting the LTC6993's time base. The output pulse width is determined by this master oscillator and an internal clock divider, NDIV, programmable to eight settings from 1 to 221. A trigger signal on the TRIG input will force the output to the active (unstable) state for a programmable duration. This type of circuit is commonly referred to as a one-shot pulse generator. The simplest and most accurate method to program the LTC6993 is to use a single resistor, RSET, between the SET and GND pins. The control voltage can be generated by a DAC (digital-to-analogue converter), resulting in a digitally-controlled pulse width.
- Pulse width range (1μs to 33.6 seconds)
- Configured with 1 to 3 resistors
- Pulse width maximum error (<2.3% for pulse width >512μs, <3.4% for pulse width of 8 to 512μs)
- Rising-edge or falling-edge trigger, retriggerable or non-retriggerable
- Configurable for positive or negative output pulse
- Fast recovery time
- Single-supply operation
- 70μA Supply current at 10μs pulse width
- 500μs Start-up time
- CMOS output driver sources/sinks 20mA
时钟与计时, 传感与仪器, 便携式器材, 电源管理