The LTC6907CS6#TRMPBF is a precision Programmable Oscillator that is versatile, compact and easy to use. Micropower operation benefits portable and battery-powered equipment. At 400kHz, the LTC6907 consumes 36μA on a 3V supply. A single resistor programs the oscillator frequency over a 10:1 range with better than 0.65% initial accuracy. The output frequency can be divided by 1, 3 or 10 to span a 100:1 total frequency range, 40kHz to 4MHz. It has a very low supply voltage coefficient, meaning that the output frequency is nearly insensitive to the DC power supply voltage. In most cases, this error term can be neglected. It contains a master oscillator followed by a digital divider. RSET determines the master oscillator frequency and the three level DIV pin sets the divider ratio, N. The range of frequencies accessible in each divider ratio overlap. For any given frequency, power can be minimized by minimizing the master oscillator frequency.
- First cycle after power-up is accurate
- 1% Frequency accuracy
- Start-up time under 200μs at 4MHz
- 150R CMOS output driver
时钟与计时, 便携式器材, 消费电子产品