The LTC6754HUD#PBF is a high speed rail to rail input comparator with LVDS compatible outputs in 12 pin QFN package. It includes 4.5mV of hysteresis to minimize instability. During shutdown mode power is reduced from 13.4mA to under 1.1mA and comparator can wake up in 120ns. The dispersion of only 1ns (10mV to 125mV overdrive) combined with excellent propagation delay of 1.8ns makes the device an excellent choice for timing critical applications. Similarly, the 890Mbps toggle rate and low jitter of 1.5psRMS (200mVP-P, 245.76MHz input) make the LTC6754 ideally suited for high frequency line driver and clock recovery circuits. The LVDS output is operated with separate supply providing isolation between input and output circuitry by allowing for logic level translation. A separate pin is available to set hysteresis from 0mV (off) up to 40mV. It also includes output latching to provide the ability to quickly capture the state of comparator.