The LTC6702CTS8#TRMPBF is a tiny micropower low voltage Dual Comparator designed to maximize battery life while providing both speed and low voltage operation in applications where board space is a premium. This comparator operates on supplies between 1.7 and 5.5V and has a maximum guaranteed propagation delay of 500ns while drawing only 30μA maximum quiescent current. Internal hysteresis desensitizes the LTC6702 to input noise and makes it easy to use, even with slow moving signals. CMOS inputs allow the use of large source impedances. Each comparator has built-in hysteresis to simplify designs, to insure stable operation in the presence of noise at the inputs and to reject supply rail noise. The comparator output is a push-pull CMOS stage guaranteed to swing to within 350mV of V+ and 250mV of ground, over-temperature when sourcing or sinking 15mA. No external pull-up/down resistor is required.