The LTC6652AHLS8-4.096#PBF is a precision, low drift and low noise buffered reference in 8 pin LCC package. High order curvature compensation allows this reference to achieve a low drift of 5ppm/°C with predictable temperature characteristic and an output voltage accuracy of ±0.05%. The LTC6652A voltage references can be powered from supply voltages up to 13.2V. The device provides low noise, excellent load regulation, exceptional line rejection, source and sink capability by making it as a superior choice for demanding precision applications. A shutdown mode allows power consumption to be reduced when the reference is not needed. The optional output capacitor can be left off when space constraints are critical.
- Output voltage of 4.096V
- Low noise of 2.1ppmP-P (0.1Hz to 10Hz)
- Sinks and sources ±5mA current
- Low power shutdown current of less than 2μA
- Thermal hysteresis of 45ppm (-40°C to 125°C)
- Long term drift of 20ppm/√kHr
- Low dropout of 300mV
- Operating temperature range from -40°C to 125°C
电源管理, 工业, 自动化与过程控制, 车用, 医用