The LTC4440ES6#TRMPBF is a high speed high side N-channel MOSFET Gate Driver designed to operate in applications with VIN voltages up to 80V. The LTC4440 can also withstand and continue to function during 100V VIN transients. The powerful driver capability reduces switching losses in MOSFETs with high gate capacitances. The LTC4440's pull-up has a peak output current of 2.4A and its pull-down has an output impedance of 1.5R. The LTC4440 features supply independent TTL/CMOS compatible input thresholds with 350mV of hysteresis. The input logic signal is internally level-shifted to the bootstrapped supply, which may function at up to 115V above ground. It contains both high side and low side under-voltage lockout circuits that disable the external MOSFET when activated.
Wide operating VIN range up to 80V
Rugged architecture tolerant of 100V VIN transients