The LTC4366HTS8-2#TRMPBF is a Surge Stopper protects loads from high voltage transients. By controlling the gate of an external N-channel MOSFET, the LTC4366 regulates the output during an overvoltage transient. The load may remain operational while the overvoltage is dropped across the MOSFET. Placing a resistor in the return line isolates the stopper and allows it to float up with the supply; therefore, the upper limit on the output voltage depends only on the availability of high valued resistors and MOSFET ratings. An adjustable overvoltage timer prevents MOSFET damage during the surge while an additional 9 second timer provides for MOSFET cool down. A shutdown pin reduces the quiescent current to less than 14μA during shutdown. After a fault the LTC4366-2 will auto-retry.