The LTC4357CMS8#PBF is a positive high voltage ideal Diode Controller drives an external N-channel MOSFET to replace a Schottky diode. When used in diode-OR and high current diode applications, the LTC4357 reduces power consumption, heat dissipation, voltage loss and PC board area. The LTC4357 easily ORs power sources to increase total system reliability. In diode-OR applications, it controls the forward voltage drop across the MOSFET to ensure smooth current transfer from one path to the other without oscillation. If the power source fails or is shorted, a fast turn-off minimizes reverse current transients.
- Reduces power dissipation by replacing a power Schottky diode with an N-channel MOSFET
- 0.5μs Turn-off time limits peak fault current
- Smooth switchover without oscillation
- No reverse DC current
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