The LTC3857EUH#PBF is a high-performance dual step-down Switching Regulator Controller drives all N-channel synchronous power MOSFET stages. The constant frequency current-mode architecture allows a phase-lockable frequency of up to 850kHz. Power loss and noise due to the ESR of the input capacitor ESR are minimized by operating the two controller output stages out of phase. The 50μA no-load quiescent current extends operating run time in battery-powered systems. It features a precision 0.8V reference and power good output indicators. A wide 4 to 38V input supply range encompasses a wide range of intermediate bus voltages and battery chemistries. Independent TRACK/SS pins for each controller ramp the output voltages during start-up. Current foldback limits MOSFET heat dissipation during short-circuit conditions. The PLLIN/MODE pin selects among burst mode operation, pulse-skipping mode, or continuous inductor current-mode at light loads.
Out-of-phase controllers reduce required input capacitance and power supply induced noise