The LTC3850IUF#PBF is a high-performance dual synchronous step-down Switching Regulator Controller that drives all N-channel power MOSFET stages. The constant-frequency current-mode architecture allows a phase-lockable frequency of up to 780kHz. Power loss and supply noise are minimized by operating the two controller output stages out of phase. OPTI-LOOP compensation allows the transient response to be optimized over a wide range of output capacitance and ESR values. The LTC3850 features a precision 0.8V reference and a power good output indicator. A wide 4 to 24V (28V maximum/30V for LTC3850I) input supply range encompasses most battery chemistries and intermediate bus voltages. Independent TK/SS pins for each controller ramp the output voltages during start-up. Current foldback limits MOSFET heat dissipation during short-circuit conditions.
Dual 180° Phased controllers reduce required input capacitance and power supply induced noise