The LTC3708EUH#PBF is a 2-phase dual synchronous step-down Switching Regulator with output voltage up/down tracking capability. The IC allows either coincident or ratiometric tracking. Multiple LTC3708s can be daisy-chained in applications requiring more than two voltages to be tracked. Power supply sequencing is accomplished using an external soft-start timing capacitor. The LTC3708 uses a constant on-time, valley current-mode control architecture to deliver very low duty factors without requiring a sense resistor. Operating frequency is selected by an external resistor and is compensated for variations in input supply voltage. An internal phase-locked loop allows the IC to be synchronized to an external clock. Fault protection is provided by an output overvoltage comparator and an optional short-circuit shutdown timer. The regulator current limit level is user programmable. A wide supply range allows voltages as high as 36V to be stepped down to 0.6V output.