The LTC3704EMS#PBF is a current-mode positive-to-negative DC/DC Controller that drives an N-channel power MOSFET and requires very few external components. Intended for low to high power applications, it eliminates the need for a current sense resistor by utilizing the power MOSFET's on-resistance, thereby maximizing efficiency. The IC's operating frequency can be set with an external resistor over a 50kHz to 1MHz range and can be synchronized to an external clock using the MODE/SYNC pin. Burst Mode operation at light loads, a low minimum operating supply voltage of 2.5V and a low shutdown quiescent current of 10μA make the LTC3704 ideally suited for battery-operated systems. For applications requiring constant frequency operation, the Burst Mode operation feature can be defeated using the MODE/SYNC pin. Higher than 36V switch voltage applications are possible with the LTC3704 by connecting the SENSE pin to a resistor in the source of the power MOSFET.
High efficiency operation (no sense resistor required)
Current mode control provides excellent transient response
±1% Internal voltage reference
±2% RUN pin threshold with 100mV hysteresis
User-controlled pulse skip or burst mode operation
Internal 5.2V Low dropout voltage regulator
Capable of operating with a sense resistor for high output voltage applications (VDS >36V)