The LTC2997CDCB#PBF is a high-accuracy Remote/Internal Temperature Sensor. The device gives accurate results with low-cost diode connected NPN or PNP transistors or with integrated temperature transistors on microprocessors or FPGAs. Tying pin D+ to VCC configures the LTC2997 to measure its internal temperature. The LTC2997 provides an additional 1.8V reference voltage output which can be used as an ADC reference input or for generating temperature threshold voltages to compare against the VPTAT output. The LTC2997 provides a precise and versatile micropower solution for accurate temperature sensing.
- Converts remote sensor or internal diode temperature to analogue voltage
- ±1°C Remote temperature accuracy
- Built-In series resistance cancellation
- 4mV/°K Output gain
- 170μA Quiescent current
传感与仪器, 测试与测量, 计算机和计算机周边, 系统监控, 通信与网络, 热管理