The LTC2933IGN#PBF is a programmable Hex Voltage Supervisor with two general purpose inputs. The EEPROM configurable voltage supervisor can simultaneously monitor up to six power supply voltage inputs. Each voltage detector offers programmable over-voltage/under-voltage thresholds in various ranges and increments. Two general purpose inputs (GPI) can be configured as programmable manual reset (MR), UV disable (UVDIS), margin (MARG) or auxiliary comparator (AUXC) inputs. Three general purpose pins (GPIO) can be configured for input or output operation. When configured as an input, a GPIO pin can be mapped to any other GPIO configured as output. The GPIO pins can also be configured as ALERT or fault outputs. Faults can be configured with programmable delay-on-release times. Output type and polarity are also configurable. Status and history registers log faults and can be polled via the I2C interface. A fault log snapshot is also backed up in internal EEPROM.