The LTC2668IUJ-16#PBF is a 16-channel 16-bit Digital-to-analog Converter (DAC) with integrated precision references. It is guaranteed monotonic and has built-in rail-to-rail output buffers. This SoftSpan? DAC offers five output ranges up to ±10V. The range of each channel is independently programmable or the part can be hardware-configured for operation in a fixed range. The integrated 2.5V reference is buffered separately to each channel, an external reference can be used for additional range options. The LTC2668 also includes A/B toggle capability via a dedicated pin or software toggle command. The SPI/MICROWIRE-compatible 3-wire serial interface operates on logic levels as low as 1.71V at clock rates up to 50MHz.
- Internal or external reference
- Outputs drive ±10mA guaranteed
通信与网络, 传感与仪器, 自动化与过程控制, 测试与测量