The LTC2641CDD-12#PBF is a 12-bit un-buffered voltage-output Digital-to-analog Converter (DAC) operates from a single 2.7 to 5.5V supply and is guaranteed monotonic over temperature. The LTC2641A-16 provides 16-bit performance over temperature. Un-buffered DAC outputs result in low supply current of 120μA and a low offset error of ±1LSB. It features a reference input range of 2V to VDD. VOUT swings from 0V to VREF. It uses a simple SPI/MICROWIRE compatible 3-wire serial interface which can be operated at clock rates up to 50MHz and can interface directly with optocouplers for applications requiring isolation. A power-on reset circuit clears the LTC2641 DAC output to zero scale when power is initially applied. A logic low on the CLR pin asynchronously clears the DAC to zero scale.
Guaranteed monotonic over temperature
Fast 1μs settling time to 16-bit
50MHz SPI/QSPI/MICROWIRE Compatible serial interface
Schmitt-trigger inputs for direct optocoupler interface