The LTC1735CGN#PBF is a synchronous step-down Switching Regulator Controller drives external N-channel power MOSFETs using a fixed frequency architecture. Burst Mode operation provides high efficiency at low load currents. The precision 0.8V reference is compatible with future generation microprocessors. OPTI-LOOP compensation allows the transient response to be optimized over a wide range of output capacitance and ESR values. The operating frequency (synchronizable up to 500kHz) is set by an external capacitor allowing maximum flexibility in optimizing efficiency. A forced continuous control pin reduces noise and RF interference and can assist secondary winding regulation by disabling Burst Mode operation when the main output is lightly loaded. Protection features include internal fold back current limiting, output overvoltage crowbar and optional short-circuit shutdown. Soft-start is provided by an external capacitor that can be used to properly sequence supplies.
Synchronizable/programmable fixed frequency
±1% Output voltage accuracy
Dual N-channel MOSFET synchronous drive
Internal current fold back
Output overvoltage crowbar protection
Latched short-circuit shutdown timer with defeat option