The LTC1734LES6-4.2#TRMPBF is a single cell constant-current/constant-voltage Li-ion Battery Charger Controller provides a fixed float voltage of 4.2V with 1% accuracy. Constant current is programmed using a single external resistor between the PROG pin and ground. Manual shutdown is accomplished by floating the program resistor while removing input power automatically puts the LTC1734L into a sleep mode. Both the shutdown and sleep modes drain near zero current from the battery. Charge current can be monitored via the voltage on the PROG pin allowing a microcontroller or ADC to read the current and determine when to terminate the charge cycle. The output driver is both current limited and thermally protected to prevent the LTC1734L from operating outside of safe limits. No external blocking diode is required.
- No blocking diode required
- No sense resistor required
- Charge current monitor output for charge termination
- Automatic sleep mode with input supply removal
- Manual shutdown
- Negligible battery drain current in shutdown
- Undervoltage lockout
- Self protection for overcurrent/overtemperature
电源管理, 计算机和计算机周边, 便携式器材, 消费电子产品, 通信与网络, 工业