The LTC1726IS8-5#PBF is a Triple Supply Monitor and Microprocessor Supervisory Circuit with adjustable reset and watchdog functions intended for systems with multiple supply voltages. The part has a common open-drain reset output with an adjustable delay. The reset and watchdog time-out periods are both adjustable using external capacitors. Tight 1.5% accuracy specifications and glitch immunity ensure reliable reset operation without false triggering. The RST output is guaranteed to be in the correct state for VCC5/VCC25 or VCC3 down to 1V. The LTC1726 may also be configured to monitor any one or two VCC inputs instead of three, depending on system requirements. The low (16μA typical) supply current makes the LTC1726 ideal for power-conscious systems.
- Adjustable reset timeout
- Adjustable watchdog timeout
- Active low open-drain reset output
- Power supply glitch immunity
- ±1.5% Threshold accuracy over-temperature
- 16μA Typical low supply current
计算机和计算机周边, 传感与仪器, 便携式器材, 通信与网络