The LTC1657CGN#PBF is a complete single-supply 16-bit Digital-to-analog Converter (DAC) includes a rail-to-rail output buffer amplifier, an internal reference and a double buffered parallel digital interface. The LTC1657 has separate reference input pins that can be driven by an external reference. The full-scale output can be 1 or 2 times the reference voltage depending on how the X1/X2 pin is connected. The LTC1657 operates from a 4.5 to 5.5V supply and has an on board 2.048V reference.
- Monotonic over temperature
- ICC - 650μA typical
- Internal power-on reset to 0V
- Asynchronous CLR pin
- Parallel 16-bit or 2-byte double buffered interface
- Multiplying capability
自动化与过程控制, 传感与仪器, 测试与测量, 通信与网络