The LTC1629CG-PG#PBF is a dual synchronous step-down current-mode Switching Regulator Controller drives N-channel external power MOSFET stages in a phase-lockable fixed frequency architecture. The PolyPhase? controller drives its two output stages out of phase at frequencies up to 300kHz to minimize the RMS ripple currents in both input and output capacitors. The output clock signal allows expansion for up to 12 evenly phased controllers for systems requiring 15 to 200A of output current. The multiple phase technique effectively multiplies the fundamental frequency by the number of channels used, improving transient response while operating each channel at an optimum frequency for efficiency. Thermal design is also simplified. An internal differential amplifier provides true remote sensing of the regulated supply's positive and negative output terminals as required for high current applications.
Dual controller operates from one to twelve phases
Reduces required input capacitance and power supply induced noise