The LTC1404CS8#PBF is a complete 12-bit Analog-to-digital Converter (ADC) with shutdown. This easy-to-use device comes complete with a 160ns sample-and-hold and a precision reference. Unipolar and bipolar conversion modes add to the flexibility of the ADC. The LTC1404 has two power saving modes of nap and sleep. In nap mode, it consumes only 7.5mW of power and can wake up and convert immediately. In the sleep mode, it consumes 60μW of power typically. Upon powerup from sleep mode, a reference ready (REFRDY) signal is available in the serial data word to indicate that the reference has settled and the chip is ready to convert. The LTC1404 converts 0 to 4.096V unipolar inputs from a single 5V supply and ±2.048V bipolar inputs from ±5V supplies. The 3-wire serial port allows compact and efficient data transfer to a wide range of microprocessors, microcontrollers and DSPs.
- No missing codes over temperature
- High impedance analog input
- Internal reference can be overdriven externally
- 3-wire interface to DSPs and processors
自动化与过程控制, 信号处理, 音频, 通信与网络, 射频通信, 便携式器材