The LTC1144IS8#PBF is a monolithic CMOS switched-capacitor Voltage Converter with shutdown. It performs supply voltage conversion from positive to negative from an input range of 2 to 18V, resulting in complementary output voltages of -2 to -18V. Only two noncritical external capacitors are needed for the charge pump and charge reservoir functions. The converter has an internal oscillator that can be overdriven by an external clock or slowed down when connected to a capacitor. The oscillator runs at a 10kHz frequency when unloaded. A higher frequency outside the audio band can also be obtained if the Boost Pin is tied to V+. The SHDN pin reduces supply current to 8μA and can be used to save power when the converter is not in use. The LTC1144 contains an internal oscillator, divide-by- two, voltage level shifter and four power MOSFETs. A special logic circuit will prevent the power N-channel switch substrate from turning on.
Boost pin (pin 1) for higher switching frequency
Simple conversion of 15 to -15V supply
Low output resistance (120R maximum)
Power shutdown to 8μA with SHDN pin
99.9% Typical open circuit voltage conversion efficiency