The LT3988EMSE#PBF is a 1A dual monolithic step-down Switching Regulator accepts two input voltages up to 60V (80V transient), which may be driven from separate supplies or can be cascaded. High efficiency switches are included on the die along with internal boost diodes and loop compensation. Both converters are capable of generating 1A outputs, are synchronized to a single oscillator programmable up to 2.5MHz and run with opposite phases, reducing input ripple current. The switching frequency is set with a single resistor yielding a range of 250kHz to 2.5MHz or a clock signal can be applied to the SYNC pin. The constant switching frequency, combined with low impedance ceramic capacitors, results in low, predictable output ripple. A current mode PWM architecture provides fast transient response with cycle-by-cycle current limiting. Diode current sense and thermal shutdown provide additional protection.
- Over-voltage lockout protects circuits through 80V transients
- Two 1A output switching regulators with internal power switches
- Short-circuit robust
- Adjustable 250kHz to 2.5MHz switching frequency, synchronizable over the full range
- Integrated boost diodes
- Integrated loop compensation
- Anti-phase switching reduces ripple
- Low shutdown IQ (<2μA)
- Uses small inductors and ceramic capacitors
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