The LT3650EDD-4.1#PBF is a complete monolithic single-cell Li-ion/polymer Battery Charger provides a constant-current/constant-voltage charge characteristic, with maximum charge current externally programmable up to 2A, set using an external current sense resistor. A precondition feature trickle charges a low voltage battery and bad-battery detection provides a signal and suspends charging if a battery does not respond to preconditioning. It can be configured to terminate charging when charge current falls to C/10, or one-tenth the programmed maximum current. Once charging is terminated, the charger enters a low current standby mode. An auto-restart feature starts a new charging cycle if the battery voltage drops 2.5% from the float voltage, or if a new battery is inserted into a charging system. It contains user-programmable internal safety timer.
- Dynamic charge rate programming/soft-start pin
- Programmable input current limit
- No VIN blocking diode required
- 1MHz fixed frequency
- Average current mode control
- 0.5% Float voltage accuracy
- 5% Charge current accuracy
- 2.5% C/10 Detection accuracy
- NTC resistor temperature monitor
- Auto-recharge at 97.5% Float voltage
- Auto-precondition at <70% Float voltage
- Bad-battery detection with auto-reset
工业, 车用, 计算机和计算机周边, 电源管理