The LT3065EMSE#PBF is a 500mA Linear Regulator operates over a 1.8 to 45V input voltage range. The device supply 500mA of output current with a typical dropout voltage of 300mV. A single external capacitor provides programmable low noise reference performance and output soft-start functionality. A single external resistor programs the LT3065's current limit, accurate to ±10% over a wide input voltage and temperature range. A PWRGD flag indicates output regulation. The LT3065 optimizes stability and transient response with low ESR ceramic capacitors, requiring a minimum of 3.3μF. Internal protection circuitry includes current limiting with fold back, thermal limiting, reverse battery protection, reverse current protection and reverse output protection. The LT3065 is available in fixed output voltages of 1.2, 1.5, 1.8, 2.5, 3.3 and 5V and as an adjustable device with an output voltage range from 0.6 to 40V.
- ±10% Programmable precision current limit
- Power good flag
- Low noise (25μVRMS, 10Hz to 100kHz)
- Adjustable output (VREF = VOUT (min) = 600mV)
- ±2% Output tolerance over line, load and temperature
- Stable with low ESR, ceramic output capacitors (3.3μF minimum)
- Single capacitor soft-starts reference and lowers output noise
- Current limit fold back protection
- <1μA Shutdown current
- Reverse battery and thermal limit protection
电源管理, 车用, 工业, 航空电子, 便携式器材