The LT1639CS#PBF is a low power quad rail-to-rail input and output Operational Amplifier operates on all single and split supplies with a total voltage of 2.5 to 44V drawing only 170μA of quiescent current per amplifier. The amplifier is reverse battery protected and draws no current for reverse supply up to 18V. The input range of the LT1639 includes both supplies and unique feature of this device is its capability to operate over the top with either or both of its inputs above V+. The inputs handle 44V, both differential and common mode, independent of supply voltage. The input stage incorporates phase reversal protection to prevent false outputs from occurring when the inputs are below the negative supply. Protective resistors are included in the input leads so that current does not become excessive when the inputs are forced below the negative supply. The LT1639 can drive loads up to 25mA and still maintain rail-to-rail capability.