The LT1218CN8#PBF is a bipolar Operational Amplifier which combines rail-to-rail input and output operation with precision specifications. Unlike other rail-to-rail amplifiers, the LT1218 input offset voltage is a low 90mV across the entire rail-to-rail input range, not just a portion of it. The resulting common mode rejection of 97dB minimum is much better than other rail-to-rail input op amps. A minimum open-loop gain of 500V/mV into a 10k load virtually eliminates all gain error. The LT1218 has conventional compensation which assures stability for capacitive loads of 1000pF or less. The LT1219 has compensation that requires the use of a 0.1mF output capacitor, which improves the amplifier's supply rejection and reduces output impedance at high frequencies. The output capacitor's filtering action also reduces high frequency noise, which is beneficial when driving A/D converters.