The LT1161CSW#PBF is a quad high-side Gate Driver allowing the use of N-channel power MOSFETs for high-side switching applications. It has four independent switch channels, each containing a completely self-contained charge pump to fully enhance an N-channel MOSFET switch with no external components. Also included in each switch channel is a drain sense comparator that is used to sense switch current. When a preset current level is exceeded, the switch is turned OFF. The switch remains OFF for a period of time set by an external timing capacitor and then automatically attempts to restart. If the fault is still present, this cycle repeat until the fault is removed, thus protecting the MOSFET. The LT1161 has been specifically designed for harsh operating environments applications where poor supply regulation and/or transients may be present.
- Individual short-circuit protection
- Individual automatic restart timers
- Programmable current limit, delay time and auto-restart period
- Defaults to OFF-state with open input
- Flow-through input to output pin-out
自动化与过程控制, 航空电子, 车用, 电机驱动与控制