The LT1128CS8#PBF is an Operational Amplifier achieve a new standard of excellence in noise performance with 0.85nV/√Hz 1kHz noise, 1.0nV/√Hz 10Hz noise. This ultralow noise is combined with excellent high speed specifications (gain-bandwidth product is 20MHz for LT1128), distortion-free output and true precision parameters (0.1μV/°C drift, 10μV offset voltage, 30 million voltage gain). Although the LT1128 input stage operates at nearly 1mA of collector current to achieve low voltage noise, input bias current is only 25nA. The LT1128's voltage noise is less than the noise of a 50R resistor. Therefore, even in very low source impedance transducer or audio amplifier applications, the LT1128's contribution to total system noise will be negligible.