The LT1077IN8#PBF is a micropower precision Operational Amplifier optimized for single supply operation at 5V. In addition, ±15V specifications are provided. Micropower performance of competing devices is achieved at the expense of seriously degrading precision, noise, speed and output drive specifications. The LT1077 reduces supply current without sacrificing other parameters. The offset voltage achieved is the lowest of any micropower op amp. Offset current, voltage and current noise, slew rate and gain-bandwidth product are all two to ten times better than on previous micropower op amps. The 1/f corner of the voltage noise spectrum is at 0.7Hz. This results in low frequency (0.1 to 10Hz) noise performance which can only be found on devices with an order of magnitude higher supply current. The LT1077 is completely plug-in compatible (including nulling) with all industry standard precision op amps.