The LT1016CS8#PBF is an UltraFast Precision 10ns Comparator that interfaces directly to TTL/CMOS logic while operating off either ±5 or single 5V supplies. Tight offset voltage specifications and high gain allows it to be used in precision applications. Matched complementary outputs further extend the versatility of this comparator. An unique output stage provides active drive in both directions for maximum speed into TTL/CMOS logic or passive loads, yet does not exhibit the large current spikes found in conventional output stages. This allows the LT1016 to remain stable with the outputs in the active region which greatly reduces the problem of output glitching when the input signal is slow moving or is low level. The LT1016 has a LATCH pin which will retain input data at the outputs, when held high. Quiescent negative power supply current is only 3mA. This allows the negative supply pin to be driven from virtually any supply voltage with a simple resistive divider.