The LT1011ACN8#PBF is a general purpose Voltage Comparator with significantly better input characteristics than the LM111. The device offers four times lower bias current, six times lower offset voltage and five times higher voltage gain. The supply current is lower by a factor of two with no loss in speed. The LT1011 is several times faster than the LM111 when subjected to large overdrive conditions. It is also fully specified for DC parameters and response time when operating on a single 5V supply. The LT1011 retains all the versatile features of the LM111, including single 3 to ±18V supply operation and a floating transistor output with 50mA source/sink capability. It can drive loads referenced to ground, negative supply or positive supply and is specified up to 50V between V- and the collector output. A differential input voltage up to the full supply voltage is allowed, even with ±18V supplies, enabling the inputs to be clamped to the supplies with simple diode clamps.
- Pin-compatible with the LM111 series devices
- Guaranteed maximum 0.5mV input offset voltage
- Guaranteed minimum 200000 voltage gain
- 50mA Output current source or sink
- Fully specified for single 5V operation
自动化与过程控制, 传感与仪器, 电机驱动与控制, 工业