The LT1007CS8#PBF is a precision Operational Amplifier for use with sine wave generators. The LT?1007 series features the lowest noise performance available to date for monolithic operational amplifier like 2.5nV/√Hz wideband noise (less than the noise of a 400W resistor), 1/f corner frequency of 2Hz and 60nV peak-to-peak 0.1 to 10Hz noise. Low noise is combined with outstanding precision and speed specification is 10mV offset voltage, 0.2mV/°C drift, 130dB common mode and power supply rejection. The voltage gain of the LT1007 is an extremely high 20 million driving a 2kW load and 12 million driving a 600W load to ±10V. In the design, processing and testing of the device, particular attention has been paid to the optimization of the entire distribution of several key parameters. Consequently, the specifications of even the lowest cost grades (LT1037C) have been spectacularly improved compared to equivalent grades of competing amplifiers.
25μV Maximum guaranteed offset voltage
0.6μV/°C Maximum guaranteed drift with temperature