DC1926A demo board for LTC4353DE dual low voltage ideal diode controller. The LTC4353 controls external N channel MOSFETs to implement an ideal diode function. It replaces two high power Schottky diodes and their associated heat sinks, saving power and board area. The ideal diode function permits low loss power supply ORing and supply holdup applications. The LTC4353 regulates the forward voltage drop across the MOSFET to ensure smooth current transfer in diode-OR applications. A fast turn on reduces the load voltage droop during supply switchover. If the input supply fails or is shorted, a fast turn off minimizes reverse current transients. The controller operates with supplies from 2.9V to 18V. If both supplies are below 2.9V, an external supply is needed at the VCC pin. Enable inputs can be used to turn off the MOSFET and put the controller in a low current state. Status outputs indicate whether the MOSFETs are on or off.
- Low loss replacement for power diodes
- Controls N channel MOSFET
- 0V to 18V supply ORing or Holdup
- 1us gate turn on and turn off time
- Enable inputs
- MOSFET on status outputs
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