DC1871A demonstration circuit features the LTC2995, a high performance temperature and voltage monitor that has resistor configurable alert levels. It converts the temperature of an external diode sensor and/or its own die temperature to an analog output voltage while rejecting errors due to noise and series resistance. Two supply voltages and the measured temperature are compared against upper and lower limits set with resistive dividers. If a threshold is exceeded, the device communicates an alert by pulling low the correspondent open drain logic output. DC1871A is designed to allow easy evaluation of the LTC2995 and may be connected directly to the target application's analog and digital signals to measure performance.
- Voltage output proportional to temperature
- Adjustable thresholds for temperature and voltage
- ±1°C remote temperature accuracy
- ±2°C internal temperature accuracy
- ±1.5% voltage threshold accuracy
- 3.5ms update time
- 2.25V to 5.5V supply voltage
- Input glitch rejection
- Adjustable reset timeout
- 220uA quiescent current
通信与网络, 传感与仪器