The DC1414A demonstration board features LTM4601AEV high efficiency, high density DC to DC μModule regulator. The LTM4601AEV is a complete 12A step down switch mode DC to DC power supply with onboard switching controller, MOSFETs, inductor and all support components. The low profile and light weight package easily mounts on the back side of PC boards. The DC1414A accepts an input voltage from 5V to 20V to deliver a jumper selectable output voltage from 1.2V to 5V at up to 12A. Derating is necessary for certain VIN, VOUT and thermal conditions. The LTM4601AEV allows the user to program output ramp up and ramp down through the TRACK/SS pin. The output can be set to coincidentally or ratiometrically track with another voltage rail. This board also supports demonstration of the output voltage margining function by ±5% from nominal which is determined by the state of the MARGN0 and MARGN1 pins.
- Default operating frequency of 850KHz
- External synchronous clock frequency range from 600KHz to 1000KHz
- 89.5% efficiency
- Output voltage tracking and margining
- Redundant mounting pads for enhanced solder joint strength
- Parallel multiple μModule regulators for current sharing
- Differential remote sensing for precision regulation
- PLL frequency synchronization
- ±1.5% total DC error
- Current foldback protection (disabled at start up)
通信与网络, 电源管理