The DC1392A demonstration board features LTM4604AEV high efficiency, high density μModule regulator. The LTM4604AEV is a complete 4A switch mode step down μModule regulator with ±1.75% maximum total output voltage error. Included in the IC package are the switching controller, power FETs, inductor and all support components. The input voltage range is from 2.375V to 5.5V with a jumper selectable output voltage from 0.8V to 3.3V. The rated load current is 4A, while derating is necessary for certain VIN, VOUT and thermal conditions. By using the TRACK pin, the output can be set to coincidentally or ratiometrically track to another voltage rail.
- Default operating frequency of 1.25MHz
- 88% efficiency
- Output voltage tracking
- Ultrafast transient response
- Power good indicator
- Current mode control
- Current foldback protection
- Programmable soft start
- Overtemperature protection
- Parallel/current sharing
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