POWR1014A-B-EVN-P2Y-BUNDLE是一个POWR1014A breakout电路板评估套件. It是一个simple, 低成本电路板 that提供convenient access to densely spaced IOs. Each I/O on此设备 is connected to 100mil针座 holes. By adding test probes, jumper wires, or pin针座s to the电路板, user can easily evaluate 功能和性能 of the voltage监视器s, high voltage FET driver和open drain outputs of the POWR1014A. The电路板 features power manager II ispPAC-POWR1014A设备simplifies power supply设计 by integrating the 模拟和数字功能s of power supply management into a single设备. This设备提供designers with a rich set of features. 配置 用于all sub系统s in the POWR1014A设备is stored in非易失性 E2CMOS存储器.编程is performed via a USB cable. The on电路板 POWR1014A设备can easily be reprogrammed 用于customized设计.
- 电源管理II POWR1014A-02TN48I 设备/封装
- 预编程固件测试程序(源代码可下载)
- LED阵列
- 扩展针座
- 原型区域
- USB迷你B连接器 (编程/供电)
- JTAG针座连接
- 3英寸x 3英寸形状因数